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The Role of Your Manager

Managers want to help employees be successful because it leads to improved performance and productivity within the organization. When employees are successful, they are more engaged and motivated, which leads to higher job satisfaction and retention rates. Additionally, a successful employee is more likely to positively represent the company, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Helping employees be successful also demonstrates that the manager cares about their development and growth, which can foster trust and respect. A successful employee is an asset to the organization, and managers want to ensure they have the support they need to succeed.

So, remember, your manager wants to see you succeed because they will also succeed if you do. In that sense, don’t view them as superiors but success partners.

Additionally, your onboarding process should be an experience you appreciate and remember. This article outlines a detailed 5-step plan to help you stay on track. To help, your manager is expected to:

STEP 1: Incorporate Your Feedback

You are a valuable source of information through your onboarding experience. Your manager should have the time to gather your opinions and perception of the experience. Ensure you share what is working and what can be improved to make the onboarding process smoother. The onboarding process is an adaptable process that we want to improve so you are truly getting the best possible experience.

STEP 2: Give You a Realistic Idea of the Job

The onboarding experience is designed to get you a realistic expectation about your role and how your part is valuable to your company. Your manager should help you understand what you are signing for, what to expect from the position, and what you need to do to succeed.

STEP 3: Set a Comfortable Pace

Onboarding is more of a marathon than a sprint. We expect managers to give you the time you need to get through the comprehensive process we have created. It would be best if you didn’t feel pushed. Instead, we want you to feel fully integrated and become a part of your corporate culture. Managers should focus on creating valuable opportunities to bond professionally with you and help you learn what it takes to be successful. We want you to feel at home.

STEP 4: Explain Customer Jargon and Your Corporate Culture

Your organization has its vibe, culture, and jargon. You can expect your manager to help explain the internal language. You can also expect them to help understand what buyers focus on, including what they need to hear. You must understand how prospects and customers talk about your company and what they likely believe to be your company’s value. Managers should not only explain the customer and prospect buzzwords, terminology, and acronyms they use, but also fill you in on any inside jokes, traditions, and other essential bits of your company’s culture. Managers should be a glossary or a translator for your customers and business. They can help you understand context and insight to help you become part of the team and truly understand your business culture’s tone and theme.

STEP 5: Get Involved

Managers should be highly involved with your onboarding process. The content we create is the source of truth approved by your executive team. You should never hear things like “what you learned in onboarding is irrelevant” or “we don’t really do it that way they talk about it in onboarding.” Managers should reinforce what they learn through this program and process. According to researchers at MIT, your manager plays an integral part in your success. If your manager delegates so much that they are distant from you, you should meet with them and ask them to get more involved in the onboarding process.

Updated on June 27, 2023

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