Buyer Proof

The Proof section provides information that can establish confidence in your buyers that your company has delivered results for others. The intent of the Proof is to document specific points to use in the templates for the company or product for which you represent. 

How to Access the Proof Section?

  1. Upon successful login, navigate to the left-hand menu.
  2. From the options listed here, click the icon. Doing so reveals the list of components in the Collectors.
  3. Select Proof. This takes you to the Proof screen.
  1. Here, all the existing proof records are displayed. Data for each proof is tabulated via a number of columns that include Proof Name, Person’s Organization, Type of Proof, Product Alignment, Status, Created By, Updated By, and Action.
  1. Like the Roles section, you can use the search bar at the top-left corner, and the action buttons under the Action column for editing, viewing, and deleting a Proof record that is present.
  1. To make changes to an existing Proof such as add or delete items to any of the Collector Proofs, or if you want to add another narrative, you can select the edit option – pencil icon –  under the “Action” column on the right-hand side for the proof you wish to edit/add. From there, this will take you to the first section of the Proof. From there, navigate to the section(s) you wish to edit.  Be sure to save the changes you’ve made with the button or at any time hit the which will take you back to the Proof List section.
  1. In case you want to view the details recorded for a proof, click the icon. This opens the Proof details of the selected proof in a read-only view. However, here you can edit an Existing Narrative by selecting the icon within the narrative box which will take you back to the Proof Narratives section or you can hit the which will take you back to the Proof List section.

How to Create a New Proof?

  1. Once on the Proof screen, click the +Add New Proof button. This opens the Proof Creation screen.
  1. A proof is created following a series of steps. Let us take a detailed look into each step.


  1. In this step, details of the proof are recorded. Use the “What is the name of this proof?” field to name the proof you are adding.
  1. Choose the organization of the person for whom the proof belongs to using the “What is the name of the person’s organization?” dropdown.
  1. If you want to add a new organization, click the button.
  1. As a result, the Create New Organization popup is displayed. 
  2. Here, enter the name of the organization in the Organization Name field.
  1. Once entered, click the button. This populates the created organization in the name of the person’s organization dropdown.
  1. In the dropdown, select the role of the person in the organization using the “What is the title of the person providing, or impacted, by the proof. (If you are not sure, it’s ok to make an assumption)”.
  1. Use the radio buttons under the “What altitude level is the person providing the proof?” heading to select the altitude level of the person.
  1. Enter what the person said using the “What specifically did the person say? Can you provide a direct quote here?” field.
  1. Select the product this proof belongs to using the “What product does this proof align to?” dropdown.
  1. Use the “What type of proof is this?” dropdown to select the proof type.
  1. Use the Link to Proof field to provide a link to the proof you are adding.
  1. If the link you provided is publicly available, select Yes from the radio buttons under the “Is this link publically available” heading. In case it is not, select No.
  1. Make a similar type of selection from the Yes/No radio buttons under the “Is this a referenceable account you want to emphasize with your buyers?” heading.
  1. Click the Choose File button to upload any relevant attachments from your system storage.
  1. Once the required information is filled in, click the Next button. This takes you to the Why Change section.

Why Change

  1. This step lets you record the reason that evolved the need for change and taking action.
  2. Use the “Why did they take action? (i.e. We must change because…) Add one per row. 
  1. Like the other sections, you can click the +Add Another Why Change button to open a new row and record another change. Moreover, clicking the button at the end of a row removes a record.
  1. Once the reasons are recorded, click the Next button.

Why Now

  1. This section lets you record the need for taking the specific action at this point of time. 
  2. Use the “What action(s) did they need to take? (i.e. We needed to act now because…)” Why did they need to do that now? Add one reason per row.
  1. Like the other sections, you can click the +Add Another Why Now button to open a new row and record another why now reason. Moreover, clicking the button at the end of a row removes a record.
  1. Once recorded, click the Next button.

Why Us

  1. In this section, you can record the reason why the specific organization thought it would be best to choose you in order to solve their problem.
  2. Use the “What did we specifically do to help? (i.e. We helped them be successful because we…) How did we engage, and what did we do? Add one thing we did per row.
  1. Addition and removal of records is similar to the sections discussed earlier – use the +Add Another Why Us button and/or the button to remove a record.
  1. Once the reason(s) are recorded, click the Next button.

Results & Impact

  1. In this section, you can record the impact your services had on the outcome and how your solution helped them achieve what they were looking for. 
  2. Use the “What measurable impact did we drive? (i.e. When they partnered with us what did they realize? This should include numbers.” field to record the impact. When they used our solution, what happened? Add one thing we did per row.
  3. Addition and removal of records is similar to the sections discussed earlier – use the +Add Another Result & Impact button and/or the button to remove a record.
  1. Once the required impact(s) are recorded, click the Narratives button.


  1. In this section, all the selections you made throughout combine to form a narrative for you to review.
  2. The details you recorded populate in each corresponding field. Read through each item that can be selected in the drop-down menus to ensure they have the effect you wish to convey. If something doesn’t make sense or doesn’t align with what you wish to communicate, you can go back to those sections to add/edit the fields by simply selecting the section you wish to add to or edit. Then, follow the prompts back to the Narratives section.
  1. To add another narrative, click the button. This adds another similar window with the details to be selected the same way as for the narrative you created earlier.
  1. To remove a narrative, click the icon at the top-right corner of the window.
  1. Once you have reviewed the details, click the button and confirm with the Confirm Save Changes popup button.
  1. This creates the proof and displays it in the Proof List.
  1. To make changes to an existing Proof such as add or delete items to any of the Collector Proofs, or if you want to add another narrative, you can select the edit option – pencil icon –  under the “Action” column on the right-hand side for the proof you wish to edit/add. From there, this will take you to the first section of the Proof. From there, navigate to the section(s) you wish to edit. Be sure to save the changes you’ve made with the button.
  1. You can also choose to view the Narratives from the Proof List by selecting the Narratives option in the top right corner of the table.
  1. This will take you the Proof List Narratives. From here you can edit an existing Narrative by clicking on the pencil icon under the Action column on the right side.
  1. This will take you to the Proof Narrative section where you can add, edit, and delete a Proof Narrative. Be sure to Save any updates you have made by selecting the button.
  1. If you wish to go back to the Proof List at any point, simply click on the “Back to List” button in the top right corner.

Next, Buyer Industry

Updated on April 10, 2023

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