The Plays section in Salesfuse allows you to view and create sales plays. A play is where you create a complete cycle of the business outcome you are trying to achieve and how you plan to do so. A team of relevant members is associated to work on a created play. Plays are created from Stories.
How to Access the Play Section?
- When you log in, you will land on the Home screen which includes the Play section at the top of the screen.
- From the left-hand menu, navigate to the Plays section by going to the Ignitors flame icon and selecting Plays. This will take you to the Play List.

- In the Play List section, all the existing plays are tabulated via a number of columns that include Play Name, Business Outcome, Solution Type, Product Category, Play Status, Created By, Updated By, and Action.
- You can use the search bar located at the top-left corner to search for a specific play.
- Moreover, you can also sort the data on the Play grid in ascending or descending order by clicking the column name.
- The Action column on the right-hand side allows you to manage the details for a given play. These include accessing Variable Templates for a Play, editing, viewing, and deleting using the forward arrow, pencil, eye, and trach icons respectively.

Action Items
The Action column allows you several options to do something with a Play. This includes access to Variable Templates for a Play, edit, view, and delete options. Let’s look at some of these in more detail:
Variable Templates for a Play
- From the Action column of the Play List, select the forward arrow icon for the selected Play.

- Selecting the arrow icon takes you to the Variable Templates for the selected Play screen.
- This section includes a list of templates for “My Variable Templates” and “Other Variable Templates”. These are the templates that were previously created under the Templates section (see Templates for more information).
- The “My Variable Templates” are tabulated via columns by Template Name, Created By, Updated By, and Make.
- The “Other Variable Templates” are organized by Template Category with columns for Created By, Updated By, and Make.
- In the top right corner of this screen, selecting “Go To Templates” will take you to the Templates section of Salesfuse where you can see all templates available to you (see Templates for more information).
- Also in the top right corner of this screen, selecting “Go to Plays” will take you back to the Play List screen.
- Under the “Make” column, selecting the forward arrow icon will take you to the Make Story Template section.

Make Story Template
- Selecting the arrow icon under the “Make” column from the Variable Templates for the selected Play screen will take you to the Make Story Template section.
- Under Make Story Template, review the template using “Template View” to ensure you have the correct template you want to use.
- Here, on the left side of the screen, select the variables from various drop-down menus that correspond to the fields within the body of the template.

- Select “Actual View” to view the template once you’ve selected the variable for each field.
- Once you are satisfied with the selection of variables for each field and have reviewed the body of the template under “Actual View”, hit “Finalize Story Template” in the bottom right of the template. Doing so will make the story template and display it in My Story Templates List.
- To edit the details of the template, select “Edit Template” in the upper right-hand corner. This will take you to the “Create: Templates” screen (See “How to Create a New Template”)

Edit Play
- From the Action column of the Play List, select the pencil icon for the selected Play.

- Doing so takes you to the Play Narrative screen of the selected Play. Here you can make changes to an existing Play, such as add or delete items to the Play Creation and/or delete/add another Play Narrative (See How to Create a Play? )
- Be sure to save the changes you’ve made with the Save Changes button. Hit Back to Play List to go back to the Play List.

View Play
- From the Action column of the Play List, select the eye icon for the selected Play.

- Doing so opens the Play Details screen of the selected play. Here you can do the following:
- Edit an Existing Play Narrative by selecting the yellow pencil icon at the bottom right of the screen. This will take you back to the Play Narratives section (See Play Narratives ).
- Select “Print Play Brief” to print the Play Details
- Select “My Story Templates” to go to the Variable Templates for the selected Play screen.
- Select an attachment from the Document Store using “Download Attachment”
- Hit the “Back to Play List” to go back to the Play List section.

Delete Play
- From the Action column of the Play List, select the trash icon for the selected Play.
- Doing so deletes the Play from the Play List.

How to Create a Play?
- From the left-hand menu, navigate to the Plays section by going to the Ignitors flame icon and selecting Plays. This will take you to the Play List.
- From here, click the +Add New Play button located at the right corner of the screen. This opens the Play Narrative.

- Once on the Play Narrative screen, the details of a Play are recorded via 2 steps. These include: Play and Narratives.

- In this section, the details related to the Play are recorded.
- Enter the play name using the “Name of the Play” field.
- Select the status of the play using the drop-down in the “Play Status” field.
- Select the outcome you want to achieve from this play using the “What primary outcome do you want to achieve with this Play?” dropdown.
- Select the solution you want to focus on using this play with the “What primary solutions do you want to position with this Play?” dropdown.
- Use the “What solution area does this product map to, if any?” dropdown to select the solution area your solution maps to.
- Set a date range for the play duration using the “When does this play start?” and “When does this play end?” date selectors.
- All the teams you have created populate in the “Select team associated with this play” field. You can make the desired selection from here.
- Associate the required attachments by clicking the Choose File button as it opens your system storage to choose the required file.
- Select the product you are selling via this play using the “What product are you trying to sell?” dropdown. In case you want to create a new product, click the +Add New Product button.
- Use the “Which specific buyer role are you targeting with this play?” dropdown to select the buyer role you want to target. In case you want to add a new role, click the +Add New Role button.
- Choose the industry you are targeting using the “What industry are you selling to in this play?” dropdown. If you want to add a new industry, click the +Add New Industry button.
- Enter a solid argument using the text field below the “Win Themes: Why will buyers choose you over the competition?” question. If you want to add a new theme, click the +Add Another Theme button.
- Once the required selections are made, click the Next button. This will take you to the Play Narratives screen.

- All the selections you made throughout combine to form a narrative for you to review.
- The details you recorded populate in each corresponding field. Read through each item that can be selected in the drop-down menus to ensure they have the effect you wish to convey. If something doesn’t make sense or doesn’t align with what you wish to communicate, you can go back to those sections to add/edit the fields by simply selecting the section you wish to add to or edit. Then, follow the prompts back to the Narratives section.
- To add another narrative, click the +Add Another button. This adds another similar window with the details to be selected the same way as for the narrative you created earlier.
- To remove a narrative, click the X icon at the top-right corner of the window.
- Once you have reviewed the details, click the Save Changes button and confirm with the Confirm Save Changes popup button. This creates the Play and displays it in the Play List.