This section will focus on the Buyer Role/Persona. Moving further, let us take a detailed look into the Buyer Role.
How to Access the Roles Section?
- Upon successful login, navigate to the left-hand menu.
- From the options listed here, click the
icon. Doing so reveals the list of components in the Collectors.

- Select Roles. This takes you to the Roles screen.

- Here, all the roles that you have created are tabulated via a number of columns that include Role Name, Job Title, Level, Reporting Role, Status, Created By, Updated By, and Actions.

- You can search for a specific role using the search bar at the top-left corner.

- Action buttons located under the Actions column facilitate editing, viewing, and deleting an existing role.
- To make changes to an existing Role such as add or delete items to any of the Collector Buyer Roles, or if you want to add another narrative, you can select the edit option –
pencil icon – under the “Action” column on the right-hand side for the role you wish to edit/add. From there, this will take you to the first section of the Buyer Role. From there, navigate to the section(s) you wish to edit.

- Once the changes are made, click the
button but at any point you can hit the
which will take you back to the Buyer Role List section.

- In case you want to view the details recorded for a role, click the
icon. This opens the Buyer Role details of the selected role in a read-only view. However, here you can edit an Existing Narrative by selecting the
icon within the narrative box which will take you back to the Role Narrative section or you can hit the
which will take you back to the Buyer Role List section.

- To delete an existing role, click the
icon. This opens the Confirm Delete popup for you to confirm the action.

- To confirm, click the

- Next is, How to Create a New Role.
How to Create a New Role
- Once on the Roles screen, click the
button. This takes you to the Collector: Buyer Role Creation templates.

- Here, the details of a role are recorded via 7 steps. These include: Role, Objectives, Pain/Gain, Possibilities, Impacted Work, Hidden Pitfalls, and Narratives.

Role (Buyer Role/Persona)
- In this section, the details related to the role are recorded.
- Select the role you are creating using the “What is the role you are defining?” dropdown.

- Use the “What are example job titles for people in this job?” field to enter the examples of the titles people usually have in the selected role.

- Select the altitude level for this role using the radio buttons under the “What is the role altitude level?” heading.

- Use the “Which role does this role typically report into?” dropdown to select the reporting role for this role.

- In case you want to create a new reporting role, click the
button above this dropdown.

- As a result, the Create New Role popup is displayed.
- Here, enter the name of the role in the Role Name field.

- Once entered, click the
button. This populates the created role in the reporting role dropdown.

- Use the
button to upload any relevant attachments from your system storage.

- Use the “Ask Ember” option wherever it’s available to help you with any of the fields in the Salesfuse Collector fields to include information that will be used in the buyer-centric Salesfuse Collector fields. See How to Use the Ask Ember Tool for help with this option.
- Once the required information is filled in, click the
button. Doing so takes you to the Objectives section.

- In this section, the business objective for the role is defined.
- Once on this section, use the “People in the [Role name] role are responsible for …” field to enter the business objective.
- Use the “Ask Ember” option wherever it’s available to help you with any of the fields in the Salesfuse Collector fields to include information that will be used in the buyer-centric Salesfuse Collector fields. See How to Use the Ember Tool for help with this option.

- In case you want to add another objective, click the
button. This adds another field below the existing one.

- You can also remove a business objective by clicking the
icon at the end of the field.

- Once the required information is filled in, click the
button. This takes you to the Pain/Gain section.

- In this section, record what people in this role often struggle with.
- Use the “People in the [Role name] role are often struggling with” field to enter the struggles you want to add.
- Use the “Ask Ember” option wherever it’s available to help you with any of the fields in the Salesfuse Collector fields to include information that will be used in the buyer-centric Salesfuse Collector fields. See How to Use the Ember Tool for help with this option.

- You can add additional fields to record multiple struggles faced by the people in this role. To do so, click the
button. This adds a new field the same way as we saw in the Objectives section.

- Moreover, you can remove an existing struggle by clicking the

- Once the required struggles are added, click the
button. This takes you to the Possibilities section.

- In this section, you are defining the desired goal(s) for the role you are creating.
- Use the “People in this [Role name] role feel they must achieve …” field to record the possible goals this role must achieve.
- Use the “Ask Ember” option wherever it’s available to help you with any of the fields in the Salesfuse Collector fields to include information that will be used in the buyer-centric Salesfuse Collector fields. See How to Use the Ember Tool for help with this option.

- You can add additional fields to record multiple possibilities expected by the people in this role. To do so, click the
button. This adds a new field the same way as we saw in the Pain/Gain section.

- Moreover, you can remove an existing possibility by clicking the

- Once the possibilities are recorded, click the
button. This takes you to the Impacted Work section.

Impacted Work
- In this section, you are defining the impact that the role will have on the organization as the result of achieving what was defined in the Possibilities section.
- Use the “When people in this [Role name] achieve what’s possible, they will drive the most positive change when they…” field to record the impact this role may have.
- Use the “Ask Ember” option wherever it’s available to help you with any of the fields in the Salesfuse Collector fields to include information that will be used in the buyer-centric Salesfuse Collector fields. See How to Use the Ember Tool for help with this option.

- You can add additional fields to record multiple impacted work by the people in this role. To do so, click the
button. You can also remove an existing impacted work field by clicking the
icon. This adds/removes a field the same way as we saw in the Possibilities section.

- Once the impact is recorded, click the
button. This takes you to the Hidden Pitfalls section.

Hidden Pitfalls
- Using this section, you can record any adverse unseen events that may occur for people in this role.
- Use the “What is an unseen and unstated pitfall do [Role name] need to think about?” field. The addition and removal of pitfalls works in the same way as for all the sections covered previously.
- Use the “Ask Ember” option wherever it’s available to help you with any of the fields in the Salesfuse Collector fields to include information that will be used in the buyer-centric Salesfuse Collector fields. See How to Use the Ember Tool for help with this option.

- You can add additional fields to record multiple pitfalls by the people in this role. To do so, click the
button. You can also remove an existing Pitfall field by clicking the
icon. This adds/removes a field the same way as we saw in the Impacted Work section.

- Once the required pitfall(s) are recorded, click the
button. Consequently, the Narratives screen is displayed.

- In this section, the details you recorded using all the sections up to now are displayed for review. When combined together, these form a narrative.
- The details you recorded populate in each corresponding dropdown. Read through each item being selected in the drop-down menus to ensure they have the effect you wish to convey. If something doesn’t make sense or doesn’t align with what you wish to communicate, you can go back to any of the sections to add/edit the fields by simply selecting the section you wish to add to or edit. Then, follow the prompts back to the Narratives section.

- To add another narrative, click the
button. This adds another similar window with the details to be selected the same way as for the narrative you created earlier.

- To remove a narrative, click the
icon at the top-right corner of the window.

- Once you have reviewed the details, click the
button and confirm with the Confirm Save Changes popup

- This creates the role and displays it in the Buyer Role List.

- To make changes to an existing role such as add or delete items to any of the Collector Buyer Roles, or if you want to add another narrative, you can select the edit option –
pencil icon – under the “Action” column on the right-hand side for the role you wish to edit/add. From there, this will take you to the first section of the Buyer Role. From there, navigate to the section(s) you wish to edit.

- You can also choose to view the Narratives from the Buyer Role List by selecting the Narratives option in the top right corner of the table.

- This will take you the Buyer Role List Narratives. From here you can edit an existing Narrative by clicking on the pencil icon under the Action column on the right side.

- This will take you to the Role Narrative section where you can add, edit, and delete a Role Narrative. Be sure to Save any updates you have made by selecting the

- If you wish to go back to the Role List at any point, simply click on the “Back to List” button in the top right corner.