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Communicating Value to Buyers

Sales are Science More than Art

What: Communication Theory is a field of information theory and mathematics that studies the technical process of information, as well as a lot of psychology, sociology, semiotics, and anthropology studying interpersonal communication and intrapersonal communication.

Why: To communicate a message – especially at scale – it’s helpful to understand the message’s origin, its journey, and how it is received.

Communication Skills for Salespeople

Knowing the market and best-practice techniques in sales is essential, but it’s not everything. There is no use in understanding the market if you don’t know how to approach a prospect or handle a client. Effective communication links your skills and knowledge and closes a deal. It’s as if your know-how is the theoretical part of being a salesperson, and communication is the practical part of it ‒ and you can’t have one without the other.

Make sure you’re speaking the same “language.”

While you might both speak the same literal language, how you phrase your message might not be the most effective way. How we speak, everything from tone of voice to the idioms in our speech patterns, directly affects our understandability. For example, you might be a fast talker, but if your listener prefers a slower cadence, you may appear hurried or dismissive.

Try to be just the right amount of technical, informal, etc. You want to be sure you’re not being too confusing and that you’re both on the same level of closeness. You can follow their lead by seeing how they approach you and how open they might seem regarding how formal you must be.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Communicating is not just about what to say; it’s how you say it. The way you’ll start an interaction can make or break relationships; the way you’ll end it can either burn a bridge or bring you more opportunities in the future. So think about how you communicate and why you communicate.

VIDEO: Becoming an Expert Communicator

Sender (Information source) – The Sender is the person who makes the message, chooses the channel, and sends the message.

Encoder (Transmitter) – The Encoder is the sender who uses a machine, which converts messages into signals or binary data. It might also directly refer to the machine.

Channel –Channel is the medium used to send messages.

Decoder (Receiver) – The Decoder is the machine used to convert signals or binary data into messages or the receiver who translates the message from signals.

Receiver (Destination) – The Receiver is the person who gets the message or the place where the message must reach. The receiver provides feedback according to the message

Updated on June 27, 2023

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