Buyer Event

The Event section is for experiences your company is hosting to benefit prospects and customers. These include events such as webinars, conferences, workshops, and even networking events.

How to Access the Event Section?

  1. Upon successful login, navigate to the left-hand menu.
  2. From the options listed here, click the icon. Doing so reveals the list of components in the Collectors.
  3. Select Event. This takes you to the Event List screen.
  1. Here, the existing Events are tabulated via a number of columns that include Event Name, Event Location, Event Region, Event Type, Event Start Date, Status, Created By, Updated By, and Action columns.
  2. Like other sections, you can use the search bar at the top-left corner, and the action buttons under the Action column for editing, viewing, and deleting an Event record that is present. Moreover, you can sort the records on the basis of a column by clicking the upward and downward arrow buttons alongside the column name. 
  1. To make changes to an existing Event such as add or delete items to any of the Collector Event sections, select the edit option – pencil icon –  under the “Action” column on the right-hand side for the Event you wish to edit. From there, this will take you to the Collector Event screen. Go to the section(s) you wish to edit. Be sure to save the changes you’ve made with the button. Hitting the will take you back to the Event List section.
  2. In case you want to view the details recorded for an event, click the icon. This opens the Event  Details of the selected event in a read-only view. However, here you can edit an Existing Narrative by selecting the icon within the narrative box which will take you back to the Event Narratives section or you can hit the which will take you back to the Event List section. Be sure to save any changes you’ve made with the Save Event Narrative button.

How to Create a New Event?

  1. Upon landing on the Event List, click the +Add New Event button.
  2. As you land on the Collector: Event screen, an event is added following a series of steps that include Event, Theme, Take Away, Professional, Organizational, Call to Action, and Narratives. Let us take a detailed look into each step.


  1. In this section, basic details of the event are recorded.
  2. Name your event using the “Name of the Event” field.
  3. Give a brief description of your event using the “Event Description” field.
  4. Provide the location of your event using the “Location of Event” field.
  5. Select the region for which your event will be accessible in the “Event Region” dropdown.
  6. Use the radio buttons for “Event Type” to provide further description of the kind of event your hosting.
  7. Add the URL site in the “Event Public URL” field
  8. Add the “Event Start Date”
  9. Add the “Event End Date”
  10. Add the “Marketing Start Date” for when the event will be made public
  11. Add the “Marketing End Date” for when the event will be closed for public registration
  12. Choose the primary products being sold at the event by selecting the product or products in the “What products are you trying to sell at this event (primary)?” drop down. You can also add a product by selecting the +Add New Product button.
  13. Choose the specific buyer roles for which this event is targeting by selecting the role or roles in the “What specific buyer roles are you targeting at this event?” dropdown. You can also add a role by selecting the +Add New Role button.
  14. Choose the primary industry this event is targeting from the “What primary industry do attendees represent?” dropdown. You can also add an industry by selecting the +Add New Industry button.
  15. Use the “Additional Information” field for any other details about the event not already included.
  16. Once the selections are made, click the Next button. Doing so takes you to the Theme section.


  1. In “The theme of this event is…..” section, define the theme for the event you are adding. Add one per row.
  2. Use the “Ask ChatGPT” option for help
  3. Like the other sections, you can click the +Add Another Theme button to open a new row and record another theme.
  4.  Moreover, clicking the button at the end of a row removes a record.
  5. Once the themes are added, click the button. Doing so takes you to the Take Away section.

Take Away

  1. In the “You can expect to walk away with …..” section, add the key takeaways for the event. Add one per row.
  2. Use the “Ask ChatGPT” option for help
  3. Like the other sections, you can click the +Add Another Take Away button to open a new row and record another theme.
  4.  Moreover, clicking the button at the end of a row removes a record.
  5. Once the key takeaways are added, click the button. Doing so takes you to the Professional section.


  1. In the “You will be able to …..” section, define how the attendees may improve their skills or thinking as a result of attending the event. Add one per row.
  2. Use the “Ask ChatGPT” option for help
  3. Like the other sections, you can click the +Add Another Professional button to open a new row and record another theme.
  4.  Moreover, clicking the button at the end of a row removes a record.
  5. Once the professional impacts for the attendees are added, click the button. Doing so takes you to the Organizational section.


  1. In the “You will be able to help your organization …..” section, define how the attendees may be able to help or impact their company as a result of attending the event. Add one per row.
  2. Use the “Ask ChatGPT” option for help
  3. Like the other sections, you can click the +Add Another Organizational button to open a new row and record another theme.
  4.  Moreover, clicking the button at the end of a row removes a record.
  5. Once the impacts to the organization are added, click the button. Doing so takes you to the Call to Action section.

Call to Action

  1. In the “I invite you to …..” section, define the call to action as a result of attending the event. Add one per row.
  2. Use the “Ask ChatGPT” option for help
  3. Like the other sections, you can click the +Add Another Call to Action button to open a new row and record another theme.
  4.  Moreover, clicking the button at the end of a row removes a record.
  5. Once the call to actions are added, click the button. Doing so takes you to the Narratives section.


  1. Like the other collector sections, all the selections you made throughout combine to form a narrative for you to review.
  2. The details you recorded populate in each corresponding field. Read through each item that can be selected in the drop-down menus to ensure they have the effect you wish to convey. If something doesn’t make sense or doesn’t align with what you wish to communicate, you can go back to those sections to add/edit the fields by simply selecting the section you wish to add to or edit. Then, follow the prompts back to the Narratives section. 
  3. To add another narrative, click the button. This adds another similar window with the details to be selected the same way as for the narrative you created earlier.
  4. To remove a narrative, click the icon at the top-right corner of the window.
  5. Once you have reviewed the details, click the button and confirm with the Confirm Save Changes popup button.
  1. This adds the new event to the Event List.
  2. To make changes to an existing event such as add or delete items to any of the Collector events, or if you want to add another narrative, you can select the edit option – pencil icon –  under the “Action” column on the right-hand side for the message you wish to edit/add. From there, this will take you to the first section of the Event collector. From there, navigate to the section(s) you wish to edit. Be sure to save the changes you’ve made with the button.
  3. You can also choose to view the Narratives from the Event List by selecting the Narratives option in the top right corner of the table.
  1. This will take you to the Event List Narratives. From here you can edit an existing Narrative by clicking on the pencil icon under the Action column on the right side. This will take you back to the Event Narrative section.
Updated on April 18, 2023

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