Selling to Executives Effective leadership requires verbal discipline. Unless CEOs communicate the right way, things can go south in no time. Learn to have empathy for the people you're selling to.
IT Buyer Personas: IT Buyer Role Profiles Over the last several years, the roles and responsibilities of IT leaders have been more clearly defined and focused. In more and more companies, the days of the CIO being the IT boss are over.
Buyer Role: Chief Executive Officer Do not confuse the role of a CEO and that of a Chairperson of the Board. The CEO is the top operational decision-maker at a company.
Buyer Role: Chief Data Officer Data is becoming increasingly important to businesses, and as a result, the chief data officer (CDO) role is becoming more prevalent.
Buyer Role: IT Developers With the rising expectations of end-users, increasing IT complexity, evolving security and compliance requirements, and the ever-growing demands of the business — developers feel extreme pressure to balance a complex set of equations on (often) compressed timelines.
Buyer Role: IT Engineer This article will outline 4 considerations to help you understand what IT engineers do and who they are.
Buyer Role: Innovation – Strategy Leader Innovation leaders are creative visionaries who have big ideas and, most importantly, can motivate people around them to turn those ideas into reality.